The foundation of the DAR-UL-ULOOM NAEEMIA was laid on the first day of the fifteenth century Hijrah i.e. Muharram 1, 1401 (November 11,1980). This landmark of the beginning of the new Century symbolizes the aspirations and hopes of the Muslim Ummah for an Islamic renaissance. The university was created to produce scholars and practitioners who are imbued with Islamic ideology, whose character and personality conforms to the teachings of Islam, and who are capable to cater to the economic, social, political, technological and intellectual needs of the Muslim Ummah. Islamic Research Institute and few other units like Iqbal International Institute for Research & Dialogue, Dawah Academy, Shariah Academy and Institute of Professional Development are situated within the premises of majestic Faisal Mosque. awat-e-Islami, a global non-political movement for the propagation of the Holy Quran and Sunnah, is serving Ummah with its Islamic centres in more than 187 countries of the world. Different departments are being set up to execute the Madani activities of spreading the teachings of Quran and Sunnah effectively. Research Institute and few other units like Iqbal International Institute for Research & Dialogue, Dawah Academy, Shariah Academy and Institute of Professional Development are situated within the premises of majestic Faisal Mosque. >> Read More.